Jan 28, 2021 – Multiversal Journeys is announcing the release of a new section on our website dedicated to consciousness in the physical world:
July 19, 2019 – Multiversal Journeys attends FQXi 6th International Conference; Castelvecchio Pascoli, Italy.
June 30, 2018 – Multiversal Journeys is announcing the release of all videos on physics of the observer
series on YouTube.
Physics of the Observer – Cosmology
Physics of the Observer – A discussion on Quantum Physics
Reliable observers in the multiverse
What Exists and What Happens: The Role of the Observer
Observers Classical vs Quantum
Physics of the observer – Quantum Physics
The Role of the Observer
March 7, 2018 – Quantum Physics, Mini Black Holes, and the Multiverse (Debunking Common
Misconceptions in Theoretical Physics) is published by Springer. For more information about the
book, please check the following link: https://www.springer.com/us/book/9783319417080
February 13, 2018 – Multiversal Journeys is announcing the release of the first video on physics of the observer series on YouTube.
May 29, 2017 – Multiversal Journeys has been awarded a grant from FQXi (Foundational Questions in Physics & Cosmology Institute) to support the development of a documentary about the Physics of the Observer.
May 27, 2017 – Multiversal Journeys is announcing the release of part 2 of a documentary about the Multiverse on YouTube.
The Multiverse – Part 2
November 29, 2016 – Multiversal Journeys is announcing the release of a documentary about the Multiverse on YouTube.
The Multiverse – Part 1: Introduction & Misconceptions
October 12, 2016 – Multiversal Journeys is delighted to announce that professor John Terning has joined its Scientific Advisory Board. Professor Terning is a Professor of Physics at University of California, Davis. He received his Ph.D. from University of Toronto and was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Yale University. He was also a researcher at Boston University, University of California, Berkeley and Harvard University. Professor Terning was a staff member at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. John Terning’s research Interests include theoretical particle physics, electroweak symmetry breaking, supersymmetry, cosmology, extra dimensions, and AdS/CFT correspondence. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and his research papers have over eight thousand citations. We are excited to have him on our Scientific Advisory Board.
August 17-22, 2016 – Multiversal Journeys attends FQXi 5th International Conference; Canada. https://fqxi.org/conference/2016
July 21, 2016 – Multiversal Journeys has been awarded a mini-grant from FQXi (Foundational Questions in Physics & Cosmology Institute) to support the development of a documentary about the Multiverse.
July 12, 2016 – Multiversal Journeys is delighted to announce that professor Thomas Buchert has joined its book series advisory board.
Prof. Buchert is a Professor of Cosmology at the University Claude Bernard in Lyon, France. He is a leading expert in the research field on inhomogeneous cosmological models. Professor Buchert works in the areas of theoretical, observational and statistical cosmology with a focus on the understanding of global properties of world models. His research interests also include Riemann-Cartan geometry, integral geometry and non-trivial topologies of spaceforms. He is internationally recognized for innovations on the morphological analysis of galaxy catalogues and Cosmic Microwave Background maps, on the foundations of the Lagrangian theory of structure formation, and for a set of equations governing the average evolution of inhomogeneous cosmological models in general relativity and their implications for an explanation of the Dark Energy and Dark Matter problems. We are excited to have him on our advisory board.
March 2, 2016 – Multiversal Journeys has signed an agreement with Springer (https://www.springer.com), a worldwide leader in scientific publishing, to publish a new title in the Multiversal Journeys-Book Series. The new book is titled: Quantum Physics, Mini Black Holes and the Multiverse: Debunking Common Misconceptions in Theoretical Physics. It will be authored by Professor Yasunori Nomura, Professor L. William Poirier and Professor John Terning.
February 4, 2016 – Multiversal Journeys is announcing the release of a video about misconceptions in Theoretical Physics on the YouTube. Misconceptions about Quantum Physics by Professor L. William Poirier. The lecture is based on the following abstract:
January 4, 2016 – Multiversal Journeys is delighted to announce that professor Yasunori Nomura has joined its Scientific Advisory Board. Professor Nomura is professor of Physics at University of California, Berkeley and director of Berkeley Center for Theoretical Physics. Professor Nomura is a leading theoretical physicist working on particle physics, quantum gravity, and cosmology. He developed theories of grand unification in higher dimensional spacetime and constructed the first realistic composite Higgs model in which the Higgs boson arises from a symmetry breaking. He also proposed that the eternally inflating multiverse is the same thing as quantum many worlds. We are excited to have him on our Scientific Advisory Board.
December 31, 2015 – Multiversal Journeys is announcing the release of two videos about misconceptions in Theoretical Physics on the YouTube.
Misconceptions about LHC Part 1:
Mini black holes created by the Large Hadron Collider will end the world.
Misconceptions about LHC Part 2:
In this video we will review two other misconceptions about the LHC. LHC could prove existence of parallel universe and God particle could wipe out the universe.
December 12, 2015 – Multiversal Journeys is delighted to announce that professor Fred C. Adams has joined its Scientific Advisory Board. Professor Adams is Ta-You Wu Collegiate professor of Physics at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He is internationally recognized for his work on Theoretical Astrophysics and Cosmology. In Cosmology, his expertise includes many aspects of the inflationary universe, cosmological phase transitions, magnetic monopoles, cosmic rays, anti-matter, and the nature of cosmic background radiation fields. His recent work in cosmology includes a treatise on the long term fate and evolution of the universe and its constituent astrophysical objects. We are excited to have him on our Scientific Advisory Board.
June 20, 2015 – Multiversal Journeys has been awarded a mini-grant from FQXi (Foundational Questions in Physics & Cosmology Institute): https://fqxi.org/grants/mini/winners to support a project that covers development of video clips on misconceptions in theoretical physics & cosmology.
June 7, 2015 – Multiversal Journeys is pleased to announce a conference on clarifying theoretical physics and cosmology misconceptions. The speakers are Professor Yasunori Nomura, Professor William Poirier, and Professor John Terning. The conference will take place on Thursday, July 9th, 2015 at: The Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California-Berkeley and is free to the public.
December 20, 2014 – Multiversal Journeys has been awarded a mini-grant from FQXi (Foundational Questions in Physics & Cosmology Institute): https://fqxi.org/grants/mini/winners
June 20, 2014 – Multiversal Journeys has been awarded a mini-grant from FQXi (Foundational Questions in Physics & Cosmology Institute): https://fqxi.org/grants/mini/winners
January 5-10, 2014 – Multiversal Journeys attends FQXi 4th International Conference; Vieques Island, Puerto Rico. The Physics of Information: https://www.fqxi.org/conference/2014
May 15, 2012 – Multiversal Journeys has been awarded a mini-grant from FQXi (Foundational Questions in Physics & Cosmology Institute) for promoting Cosmic Update on YouTube: https://fqxi.org/grants/mini/winners
November 28, 2011 – Cosmic Update (Dark Puzzles. Arrow of Time. Future History) is published by Springer. For more information about the book, please check the following link: https://www.springer.com/978-1-4419-8293-3
September 5, 2011 – Multiversal Journeys has been awarded a mini-grant from FQXi (Foundational Questions in Physics & Cosmology Institute) for updating and upgrading its website: https://fqxi.org/grants/mini/winners
August 27 – September 1, 2011 – Multiversal Journeys attends FQXi 3rd International Conference Bergen, Norway & Copenhagen, Denmark, August/September 2011 Setting Time Aright An international and inter-disciplinary meeting investigating the Nature of Time https://fqxi.org/conference/home/2011
Encino, California – December 23, 2009 – Extra Dimensions in Space and Time is published by Springer. The book is authored by Prof. Itzhak Bars and Prof. John Terning. Prof. Lawrence M. Krauss has written the foreword. For more information about the book, please check the following link:
Encino, California – July 30, 2008 – Multiversal Journeys has been awarded a mini-grant from FQXI (Foundational Questions in Physics & Cosmology Institute) for updating its website. A new section dedicated to Q & As will cover commonly asked questions by the public about theoretical physics and cosmology. The answers will be provided by our speakers in video clip formats.
Encino, California – October 5, 2007 – Multiversal Journeys has signed an agreement with Springer (https://www.springer.com), a world wide leader in scientific publishing, to publish Multiversal Journeys- Book Series. The inspiring books in this series are designed for scientifically literate non-specialists who want to know the latest discoveries in theoretical physics and cosmology in a non-technical language. The level of presentation is appropriate for readers with basic undergraduate background in modern physics and quantum mechanics. The following topics/volumes are planned to be covered: mysteries of quantum mechanics, latest theories in cosmology, string theories, nature of Space-Time, theory of everything, and Extra Dimensions.
Encino, California – August 20, 2007 – Multiversal Journeys is pleased to announce a symposium on the future of the universe. The speakers are Professor Lawrence M. Krauss and Professor Fred Adams. The symposium will take place on October 20, 2007 at: The Chicago Academy of Sciences – Notebaert Nature Museum, Chicago, IL. (naturemuseum.org) and is free to the public.
July 2007 – Physicist Reaching Out – fq(x) News
July 2007 – Multiversal Journeys attends FQXi Inaugural International Conference Reykjavik, Iceland, July 2007 https://fqxi.org/iceland/
Encino, California – June 20, 2007 – Multiversal Journeys is pleased to announce a symposium on General Relativity. General Relativity, Going Strong at 92: Time Travel and Dark Energy. The speakers are Professor Lawrence M. Krauss and Professor Ken Olum. The symposium will take place on September 15, 2007 at: 38 Cameron Gallery, Cambridge, MA and is free to the public.
Encino, California – April 25, 2007 – Multiversal Journeys is pleased to announce a symposium on Time. It’s About Time: The Concept of Time, Cosmology and the Latest Theory about Time. The speakers are Professor Lawrence M. Krauss and Professor Itzahk Bars. The symposium will take place on Sunday, July 29th, 2007 at: Hillel center at UCLA.
Encino, California – February 22, 2007 – Multiversal Journeys is pleased to announce a symposium on string theory. Extra Dimensions and String Theory: Physics of the Future or Pure Mathematics? The speakers are Professor Lawrence M. Krauss and Professor John Terning. The symposium will take place on Saturday, April 7th, 2007 at: Lawrence Hall of Science at the University of California, Berkeley
Encino, California- December 12, 2006 – We are pleased to announce that Multiversal Journeys has received a grant from FQXI (Foundational Questions in Physics & Cosmology Institute). The Grant carries a total monetary award of $77,000.00. The funds are designed for the purpose of planning, promoting, and managing seminars and conferences, panel discussions and the production of educational DVDs on topics including quantum mechanics, cosmology, string theory, the nature of Space-time, the Theory of Everything and time travel.
For more information on this award please visit: www.fqxi.org
Encino, California- November 30, 2006 – We are pleased to announce that Internal Revenue Service has approved the status of Multiversal Journeys as a non-profit organization under section 501(c) (3) of the internal Revenue Code.
Encino, California- October 20, 2006 – State of California (Franchise Tax board) under section 23701d has recognized Multiversal Journeys non-profit educational status.
Encino, California- March 30, 2006 – Multiversal Journeys is pleased to announce the release of its first educational DVD based on the symposium that was held on December 17, 2005 in Los Angeles, California. (A Symposium on Space-Time and the Cosmos).
Berkeley, California- November 9, 2005 – The Daily Californian publishes an article about the Multiversal Journeys event on November 5th (The Latest Theories about the Universe and its Governing Laws).
The Universe is Only Pretending, Physicist Says
Like a Hologram, the Universe Merely Appears to Have Three Spatial Dimensions, Scientists Infer By ALEXANDRA L. WOODRUFF
DUBLIN, California – October 10, 2005 – Multiversal Journeys is pleased to announce a symposium on space-time and the cosmos. The symposium will take place on Saturday, December 17th, 2005 at:
Skirball Cultural Center, Los Angeles, California. The topics and speakers for this symposium will be: The Nature of Space and Time Professor Gary T. Horowitz, University of California, Santa Barbara Finding a Home in the Multiverse Professor Anthony Aguirre – University of California, Santa Cruz Extra Dimensions Professor John Terning – University of California, Davis
DUBLIN, California – August 25, 2005 – Multiversal Journeys is pleased to announce its first lecture series aimed to educate the public about the latest theories in theoretical physics. The seminar will take place on Saturday, November 5, 2005 at Lawrence Hall of Science at the University of California, Berkeley. The topics of the talks are based on some of the most recent discoveries about the universe and its governing laws.
The topics and speakers for this seminar will be:
The World as a Hologram
Professor Raphael Bousso – University of California, Berkeley
Finding a Home in the Multiverse
Professor Anthony Aguirre – University of California, Santa Cruz
Professor John Terning – University of California, Davis
DUBLIN, California – June 1, 2005 – Today Multiversal Journeys announced the launch of its web site on the Internet. The company aims to develop, promote and manage events and lectures in the field of Theoretical Physics. With the motto “Theoretical Physics Made Easy for Public,” Multiversal Journeys is targeting the general public to attend lectures and presentations in this field.
To achieve this goal, Multiversal Journeys will invite the best of the scientists and physicists in the world to lead the lecture programs that it will manage and promote. With several years of hands-on experience, the company staff is confident that there is sufficient interest in the general public and strongly feels this is the right time to promote such lectures and bring the intriguing subjects in the Theoretical Physics to the public forums.
For more information please contact us